Love your smile | At Norton Dental Practice

Love is in the air this February.  At Norton Dental Practice in Stourbridge we can improve the appearance of your teeth and help you fall in love with your smile. Smiling is a conscious and intentional way of showing others how you feel.  There are so many reasons to smile but if you’re self-conscious about your teeth then you may be hiding your smile from the outside world.

If you’ve ever thought about straightening your teeth to improve your smile, you may be interested to learn more about Invisalign.  As humans we are drawn to smiles, smiling improves your appearance and naturally attracts people to you.  Smiles are without doubt contagious – in a really good way!  Research has also shown that people who smile regularly appear more confident and are more likely to be approached.

A great smile is an asset to be proud of, and your smile will have a positive effect on everyone around you.  If you are looking to enhance your smile with straight teeth, then Invisalign is a practical. comfortable, and pain free orthodontic treatment. 

Invisalign is a tooth straightening system that is not only simple to use but one that fits in with everyday life. The Invisalign treatment works by using clear aligners that are discreet and comfortable to wear.  We have many happy patients who have achieved their dream smile with Invisalign. 

We will assess your problem and discuss your smile goals with you, we can even show you how we expect your teeth to look following treatment.  Your aligners will be custom made to fit you, they are designed to be discreet (almost invisible) and lifestyle friendly.  Each clear aligner will be worn for a set amount of time, gradually moving your teeth.  You will then change to the next aligner in the set.  Slowly but surely your teeth will be moving into the desired position.

Invisalign aligners are made from a smooth, clear, and pliable material which makes them more comfortable to wear.  The clear aligners fit snugly around your teeth and follow your gum line, they are designed with your individual smile in mind and are tailored to fit as comfortably as possible. You can also remove Invisalign aligners when you need to.  If you’re planning a special meal, then don’t worry – just take out your aligner discreetly and pop back in when you’re finished.  No one will even know that you are straightening your teeth.

Invisalign know that patients are looking for fantastic teeth straightening results and they have found the quickest, least painful method to reach that perfect smile, even for complex problems.

If you want to know more about Invisalign then visit our Invisalign website. We are a registered Invisalign provider, and we have a knowledgeable and caring team who will look after your every need. 

Contact Norton Dental Practice today for a free video consultation and prepare to fall in love with your smile.